Book #2 The Sun is Also a Star

We met this week to talk about our second Great Stories Club book discussion in ALA’s Great Stories Club series, Growing up Brave on the Margins! We discussed the book The Sun is Also a Star.

We reviewed our Group Agreements

We came up with these agreements at our last meeting to create a brave and honest space.

  • Use the "ouch" Rule (if something is offensive to you, say, "ouch" and then you "I statements")
  • What is said here, stays here, what is learned here, leaves here
  • Lean into discomfort
  • Speak to your own truth
  • Take Space, Make Space (if you're naturally quiet in groups, try to talk more, if you are a talker, leave a space for listening)
  • Be Respectful

Web of Connections

We did an activity to start things off and get to know each other a bit better.  First, we paired up and interviewed each other asking questions like, where were you born?  Have you always lived in one place? etc.  Then, we started by wrapping the end of a ball of yarn around one of our wrists, then shared one fact they learned about their interview partner.  Anyone else for whom that fact is also true will raise their hand, and the ball of yarn is tossed around to each of them. Each person who receives the ball of yarn will wrap the yarn around their wrist before using the other hand to toss the yarn to another person who shares that trait in common.We shared multiple facts and made many connections.
Thinking of this web of yarn not so much as a spider's web, but rather as a web of roots, like the roots that connect plants together below the ground. 
All of us are grounded in the particulars of our own lives, but all of us have roots that intertwine with the roots of others. 
These interconnected roots give us strength, support and a sense of belonging that empowers us to act in the world.

Guest Speaker

Everyone has a story, and our stories can give light to others. We welcomed our guest, Antonio Gomez! Antonio shared his story about how he came to the United States at age 5, his childhood, and his own current status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Click here read more of Antonio's Story.

Book Discussion

We then, clumsily segued into our book discussion, for which we did not have enough time! In hindsight, we would have loved to have made this two sessions. There was so much to talk about!
We generally really liked this book. We enjoyed the many layers it offered. It's not just a love story! The backstories of the secondary characters were so interesting! We loved how each character influenced, or were connected in some way with the others. (Connections!)
Daniel says he feels like he falls in love with Natasha at Second Sight. What does this mean exactly? And do we believe in it? There were mixed reviews on this topic, but what we found interesting was the way you could interpret this. Love at 2nd sight might be more of a symbolic perspective rather than a literal one perhaps. You may see someone differently, and it become your 2nd perspective of them.
Fate or Freewill? Neither!  Or Both!  We can make your own luck.  Everyone is connected so it's quite possible there is a Collective Free Will that determines our fate. 

What do we think of brother Charlie?  We agree he's likely missing the self love needed to make him a good person.  

Daniel?  Are we frustrated with his decision to not choose Yale when it's obviously been made so easy for him to accept?  Couldn't he be a Yale Poet? 

Are we Natasha?  Or Daniel? Which can we identify with the most? 

We didn't get to these...

More great questions: 

  1. If you had to move to another country tomorrow and you could take only what would fit into your backpack, what would you take and why? 
  2. If you had to move to another country at 10 p.m. tonight, what do you think would happen to the places and the people you left behind?  What questions or fears might you have about your new life? 

If you liked this The Sun is Also a Star, Check out David Yoon's book, "Frankly in Love." David Yoon is Nicola's husband.  The book is fantastic and Brenda recommends it (and it's currently available at St. Peter Public Library!)
Next up: The Hate U Give, Monday, January 27 6:30 p.m. If you don't finish it in time, don't worry! Please still plan on coming!

The Movie is also available currently at the library. Our licensing company doesn't allow us to show movies from 20th Century Fox, so a screening at the library isn't possible, but don't let that stop you from checking it out on your own! Check it out!


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